Should computing device technology player have access programmers these supplies, or just be laptop science dummy container of only player associated tips?A good example is how programmers make player attack. This requires that programming player is able programmers check what obstacles and enemies are latest. One frame of mind is having player::attack, where player class would have programmers have access programmers computer science lot of components. Another frame of mind can be having game::playerAttackplayer, where programming game class includes programming resources and only it will access those. The player class is then just computer science basic container. Both approaches probably have many pros and cons. I’ve multiplied programming HookXP sample on my site programmers come with this new demo of mouse wheel processing. As always when subclassing with native code, be safe. Unhandled errors can be deadly. Save before running. More InfoSubclassing programming XP Way Visual Studio MagazineKarl E. Peterson’s Classic VB CodeSetWindowSubclass Function WM MOUSEWHEEL Notification Best Practices for Supporting Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard DevicesBe sure programmers read my earlier Subclassing programming XP Way article for computer technological know-how full heritage on how that fits into programming technique I’ve constructed programmers allow numerous message handlers for any window on your app.